
You’ve got nothing to lose and 7 days of premium service to gain. Start your no-obligation trial. A Flat Rate Answering Service representative will work with you to custom-fit the best service plan for your needs.
We specialize in serving
about-small-businesssmall businesses

We Deliver!
Our Experience Ensures Dependable
Service You Can Count On

There is a lot more to Flat Rate Answering Services than being able to rely on a flat rate each and every month. We’ve been in the industry since 1990 and know what we can and can’t deliver on. Unlike the rest who’ll promise you the world and deliver just a fraction, Flat Rate will give you the facts upfront, then back it up with a reliable and professional answering service free of all the complications, mistakes and frustration typically associated with a ma and pa service. Simply put… Flat Rate will deliver 24/7 and with no surprises!
We are the small business experts and provide superior services customized to your industry as well as the unique needs of your business. We specialize in serving Doctors, Contractors, Attorneys and Home Businesses.